Andrew A. Johnson

501 S Sunset Dr. · Winston-Salem, NC 27103 · (813) 504-6382 ·

I'm a lead software engineer at Fluree, PBC, where I work to build blockchain database management solutions with server-less, graph-leveraged infrastructures. I have experience with JavaScript, Clojure, Ruby, React, Node.js, Rails, Sinatra, SQL & noSQL, and AWS.


Lead Software Engineer

Fluree, PBC

I develop Fluree's core product‑‑a blockchain-backed, ACID-compliant, graph-style data management system‑‑and oversee our front-end developers' client projects, where we leverage that product for data-driven, semantic-web-enabled enterprise applications.

June 2019 - Present



A social marketplace web app designed to give users control of their consumer data and allow them to monetize their brand participation. Built on Fluree's blockchain-graph DMS with a responsive React frontend.

Fluree DBaaS UI

Fluree's Admin UI for DBaaS users (both free & enterprise). Built on Fluree's blockchain-graph DMS with a responsive React frontend. Register a free account with Fluree to test it out!


SPA designed to make federal affordable housing policy more accessible to users. Built with React/Redux frontend & separate Ruby/Rails API backend.


Web app designed with games-style interface & scoring algorithms to help users learn about their preferences for cocktails & drinks. Built with Ruby/Rails backend & JS(JQuery, AJAX) frontend.


Web app designed to scrape & aggregate a calendar of local cultural events in my hometown, with a user interface to track RSVPs for themselves & for friends. Built as RESTful CMS app with Ruby/Sinatra, ActiveRecord, SQLite(development) & PostgreSQL(production).


Flatiron School

Software Engineering & Web Development
Scholarship-Awarded student in curriculum covering Ruby, JS, HTML, CSS, React/Redux, Rails, JQuery, Sinatra, SQL & ORMs
November 2018 - May 2019

University of Virginia

M.A. (2016), B.A. (2015)

Major: English & Cultural Studies, Minor: Math

GPA: 3.96

August 2011 - May 2016


When I'm not tapping away at a computer, I'm probably either on a run with my dog or at a café with my head in a book

Usually, though, I'm back at the computer, testing out new tech or catching up with my much smarter dev friends on twitter.